Monday, January 24, 2011

Stick Figures from Outer Space

Made this one small drawing in journal and most of one larger drawing in sketch book. I'll scan it in tomorrow after I finish it. Got laundry done and made a small one potato casserole with a bit of left over ham and some shredded cheese. Added a bit of milk for moisture and didn't miss the sauce at all. Ate 2/3 to 3/4 of it for lunch, than made an omelet with what was left for supper. Had a huge salad for bedtime snack. It all balances it out across the day! Judy called but it was a poor connection. Her voice was warbling every few words for a few words. Sometimes I could understand her but sometimes I couldn't. She got mad at me for asking her to repeat herself so she said she would call another time. I end up feeling bad because I couldn't hear what she was saying, and I care enough to want to hear what she is saying. OK, so it's only January and I already blew it for OK MOM of the YEAR AWARD. Gosh darn it all. I can never get it right. Been a Mom for almost 46 years and still can't get it right. Is there any hope for me at all???

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