Saturday, April 2, 2011

Little Rainbow

goes on a special outing with her Mom and her Auntie.

Had a good day in spite of no sleep last night. I literally never fell asleep for a moment. Ugh!

Went to ATCs in spite of the fact that I had not made any new ATCs for this month. What with being sick, it just crept up on me.
Was incredibly intimidated by how much a couple of the women get done every month.

Came home, ate lunch, took a 50 minute nap, and walked Riley.
Did two loads of laundry and made my bed with the clean sheet.
Read a while and did this drawing, made supper, and was calling around looking for someone to go out for ice cream or something, when Arnie called and asked me out to dinner. Bummer I had just finished dinner, but I went out and had strawberry-rhubarb pie with ice cream while he ate dinner. I enjoyed talking and wondered if my nosy neighbors will be talking tomorrow!!!

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