Thursday, December 23, 2010

12/23 & 24/10 from Journal

Today I made a sweet potato pie. Searched the net and found a recipe that used molasses and only made one pie - my criteria. I used the yams I baked and went to the store so they have a very faint burnt taste but otherwise just fine. My only complaint about the pie is that it is a little bit soft. I should have baked it that extra 5 minutes that was optional! Or perhaps 2 or 3 anyway.

Also today I made a big pot of turkey soup. It's yummy. Finished the winter squash soup for lunch. Had turkey soup for dinner with an orange and pie! Had a mug of soup mid-evening as I was peckish, and had pie with vanilla ice cream for my bedtime snack. Riley had his bite of ice cream and pie filling and loved it! Riley loves my cooking no matter what!!!

Went to the post office and mailed a package - a Christmas Angel I traded for a marble in a fund raiser - and 2 cards: one late Christmas card and one early or on time birthday card! It is sooo handy having Millie's car. Tomorrow I have an appointment with Dr. Hyams on the other end of town, and no worries - I have a car!!! And I watched a lovely Christmas movie about the Nativity, and still had time and energy to do the dishes and finish last night's drawing. Go Team Ann!!!

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