Tuesday, March 15, 2011

M'Lady's Perfume

I really wanted to call this one Jitterbug Perfume, but am afraid of violating copyright. It's a good book by one of my favorite authors.

Definitely have the flu. Had fever and severe muscle pains starting last night - no sleep until 7 a.m. this morning. Went to pick up Rx at Save On and started crying on my way out of the store and had to sit in the cat for 10 or 20 minutes until I got some control. Then I managed to get home with just tears streaming down my face but not the violent sobbing. Then when I got the car parked at home started sobbing again.

Realized I cannot possible move to the apartment I want to live in. It will take me years to get everything sorted and get rid of as much stuff as possible. I cannot do it alone, and so much of the time I can't work. So I called Dethe to let him know and I started sobbing again and I was saying "I can't move" as in move to another apartment, and he could barely hear me and thought I was saying I can't move as in maybe I had fallen or something. It was just awful, and I hated to cry on the phone to Dethe.

Anyway, I called Laurie and she came over and made me some soup with the bones from a turkey I had in the fridge and a bunch of veggies. I have focused on really getting my fluids up and the fever seems to be coming down and the muscle pain is not so severe that I scream trying to stand from sitting. Laurie gave Riley a good walk as I was barely making it down the stairs with him. Tonight I was able to take him downstairs to pee, and now I have a bad pain in my chest under my sternum. I always think it might be a heart attack, especially when I have a hard time breathing! But the breathing has settled down some and the pain isn't getting any worse. One very hard thing for me is sorting out viral thing vs. fibromyalgia.

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